A brief summary of my journey in getting a new phone plan and sim card from Virgin mobile
Completing WaniKani Level 60
A reflection on my journey through learning to read the Japanese kanji with the help of WaniKani.
Libraries Should be a Home for the Cloud
Throughout history the library has been a place for the masses to get free access to information and to help grow their abilities, their culture, their knowledge. I think they would be a perfect home for the cloud – offering greater trust, opportunity for education, and communal attitudes to technology.
Goodbye 2022, and Looking forward to 2023
I look back at some of the things that went well for me and others this year, and some of my hopes going forwards.
Converting comics from PDF into CBZ format
In which I learn how to use tools to convert some comics between PDF and CBZ file formats.
Off twitter and where I go now
A chat about some of the other places I found to follow people’s work and art once I finally quit twitter.
The Pains of Qualitative Analysis with NVivo
NVivo is a software that aims to make it easier to do analysis by coding on qualitative data. For example, you have some text, and you want to know what […]
Wild Grass in the Garden
Some photos of grass in my garden, and the variety you can find if you just let your lawn live and grow.
Struggling with Citation Paralysis
In research and formal writing, you need to cite your sources. Every important claim you make, if not original research, needs to be backed up by a reliable reference. I […]
Getting Data out of Deezer
I wanted to export my data from deezer, as is my right. The experience was lengthy and unsatisfying.
Exploring Loch Freuchie
I recently went exploring around Loch Freuchie, northwest of Perth, Scotland. It’s a nice mountain loch, with plenty of wildlife. Here are some of the photos that I took.