Over the years I have amassed a large number of game codes which I never used from online bundles, humble bundle, fanatical, various charity jams… Either because I didn’t own the base game for DLC, didn’t want the game, or already owned it. There’s a mix of really good gems of games in here as well as some cannon fodder. These codes have been sitting in a notefile for a long time, and I figured I might as well share them with anyone who may want them.
I don’t ask anything in return – be wary of anyone who tries to sell you 3rd party activation codes. I caution that they may have expired since I received them initially. All of the games are either direct codes for steam or humble bundle codes which then redeem on steam. Sorry about that, I know steam is just one of many storefronts, and locking you into any kind of DRM is crap, but that’s the hand we’ve all been collectively dealt.
I’m not sharing the codes directly, or else they’ll just be scraped. If you want one (1), leave a comment and let me know:
- Which key you want
- Which method to use to contact you.
To make my job easier, I will only respond via the Vivaldi forum, or email. If you want email, DON’T POST YOUR EMAIL in the comment section, use the comment form’s email field to hide it, and only I will be able to see it. If you’re logged in to a Vivaldi account this should be auto-filled for you.
- A New Beginning – Final Cut
- Battle Riders
- Bezier
- Bomb Defense
- Bunker Punks
- Chainsaw Warrior
- ClusterPuck 99
- Company of Heroes 2
- Eastside Hockey Manager
- Edna & Harvey: The breakout
- Endless Space® – Collection
- Extinction
- Gunscape
- Gurgamoth
- Kingdom Classic
- Knights of Pen and Paper 2
- Mimic Arena
- Mirage: Arcane Warfare
- NASCAR Heat 2 – October Jumbo Expansion
- Neo Cab
- Offensive Combat: Redux!
- Realpolitiks
- Team Racing League
- The Ball
- Unexplored
These require that you own the base game on steam first.
- All-Star Fruit Racing – Yogscast Car DLC
- Awesomenauts Yogscast Packs
- Caveblazers – Arena Mode DLC
- Crusaders of the Lost Idols – Elite Starter Pack
- Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms — Celeste Starter Pack
- Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack
- Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation Packs
- War for the Overworld – Yogscast Worker Skin
- Paizo Starfinder Ebook – Redeemable according to these instructions. I don’t know if there’s DRM on this or not, sorry.
Hello, just saw your post on GOG’s Discord so I’m interested if you still have Football Manager 2020. I would appreciate it!
umm this is very generous of you, not sure how to choose but ill be happy for any of these, My Memory of Us, Headlander, Spelunky, transistor, there are few other titles but i really cant choose out of these four… they all look great!
Hi, I would like to get Titan Quest Anniversary Edition.
You can contact me via email: (Sorry, for some reason I had to use alt email).
Thank you.
Garry’s Mod please, my discord is James01#1890.
Hey, I’d like to have Don’t Starve & Reign of Giants. Thx =D
If by any chance NBA 2K20 is available, I’d love it!
I would love Transistor so much. Hope it is still available. Thank you.
NBA 2K20 please.
Thanks, generous one.
Hi, sorry, someone grabbed this one already.
No problem. If still available, I’ll be happy to get Armello or Jackbox Party Pack 4. Thx.
Hey, I’d like to have FTL if I’m not too late. Thanks a ton!
I would like mini metro, that one seems fun.
You can contact me through Vivaldi forum’s chat feature
Thanks in advance
Hello! I would love the Guns of Icarus Alliance & DLCs, and the Darkest Dungeon Shieldbreaker DLC
Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition still available? Contact me through Vivaldi forum’s chat
I’d like to have This War of Mine. Discord: Lind#5846
I’d LOVE to have “Chivalry: Medieval Warfare” , it’ll give me new content to stream on twitch!! What you’re doing is awesome btw!
Hello mate. I’ll be glad to have Free cell quest for steam. And thanks for the gift bro.
Die Young sounds interesting, I mean the game
I’ll be happy to have that. thanks.
You seem to have plenty of point and click game in that list.
Could I have “Half Past Fate”?
Thank you