Looking at alternative interpretations of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, like most religious texts they are very versatile
Category: Movies & TV
Star Trek isn’t Political Enough
Star Trek isn’t ‘Too Political’, it’s ‘Not Political Enough’. Deep Star Trek is Trek at its best.
Too Quiet, Too Dark, Too Bad
I have watched so many films and TV shows lately that have been near unwatchable in their usual form recently. I rant about why this annoys me.
Scavenger’s Reign – A Review
Scavenger’s Reign has finally been licensed internationally meaning I can now watch it legally in the UK. It’s a terrific show, in all senses of the word.
The Summit of the Gods (Review)
I just finished watching the French animated film The Summit of the Gods (Le Sommet des Dieux). Here’s my review
Hilda – A Perfect Cartoon
I just finished watching the series “Hilda”. A favourite show, and now that its finished I think it might be one of the most perfect cartoons made. 10/10
She-Ra: Reboot of Power
I recently finished watching the final season of the new Netflix reboot “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power”. I really enjoyed it. Here’s why.
DRM is really demotivating
I just wanted to watch some TV while riding an exercise bike. That didn’t go too well. TV, DVRs and DRM.
Doctor Who S12 Thoughts
I recently caught up with the latest (2020) season of Doctor Who. With a few bumps it looks like show runner Chibnall is getting into the groove.
Les chaines qui disparaissent
I ramble in french about how a TV channel changed distribution method and made my life marginally more difficult. #ProblemesDuPremierMonde
His Dark Materials and Adapting Stories
My thoughts on the latest His Dark Materials TV show, and past attempts to adapt it to other media