
Nonstalgia Noun /nɒnstæld͡ʒə/

  1. Nostalgia for something that you never really held any sentimentality for.
  2. Nostalgia for something whose intended audience is no longer around.
  3. The act of romanticising something for some ulterior purpose.

Don’t you just hate the nonstalgia TV programmes they put on over the holidays? I never saw any of it as a kid.

That politician is spouting nothing but nonsense and nonstalgia, I’m not going to vote for him!

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  1. I’ll buy that, Lon. And it’s not only tv – soshull meedja is as bad. For my sins, I use Facebook a lot (mostly to keep in touch with old Friends and Family back home) and my Feed – or whatever it’s called this week – is flooded with Group posts abour old British tv and movies/actors/variety shows, or 1970s Prog Music (I’m ok with those, tbh, it’s very much My Thing), or old football stuff……and most of it riddled with inaccuracies and untruths. And the clips from the 1970s “Much Loved British Comedies” are not so much loved at all but simply embarrassing……

    But then, I’m a dinosaur……

    Happy New Year to you and yours, I hope 2025 is kind to you all.

    1. Happy new year to you too. On “much loved british comedies” – I saw benny hill on TV over the holidays, well before my time, and it has not aged well. Though it has almost come full circle in being so awful it’s almost a funny parody of itself. Almost.


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